David Jones Spring Flower Show

Over 80 years ago, David Jones store staff began adorning their counters with spring flowers from their own gardens. This practice was much loved by David Jones’ enigmatic leader, Sir Charles Lloyd Jones who encouraged and formalised it.

These humble origins grew into the Rose Show, then the Daffodil and Azalea Festival. In 1985 the event formalised into the David Jones Spring Flower Show that we know and continue to love today - an iconic annual event that ushers the season of Spring like no other. Of course no David Jones flower display would be complete without a pianist!

The show takes 6 months to plan, 7 days to set up and 12 days to look after the flowers. The theme this year is an underwater wonderland based on the Great Barrier Reef. “Beneath the waves, a majestic world of wonder awaits, brimming with life in unimaginable forms and colour beyond the on-land spectrum. We reimagine these sublime aquatic ecosystems in floral splendour…..”. 2022 marks the 33rd anniversary of the collaboration between David Jones and Seedflora By George Low. In turn, Seedflora have collaborated with Hermetica Flowers to style the floral installations. On to the photos!



The Big Design Market, The Cutaway